New FACTSinnated Episode: "The Relationship Between Cancer and the HPV Vaccine"

Featuring Dr. Linda Eckert. Listen Now.

Adolescent Immunization Action Week

April 1 - 5, 2024


Adolescent Immunization Action Week

April 1 - 5, 2024

Adolescent Immunization Action Week (#AIAW24) is the first week of April. The goal of AIAW is to motivate adolescents and young adults to stay up to date on their recommended vaccines.


AIAW provides healthcare providers, parents, and teens with information and tools to support this goal. These resources can be used to encourage teens to ask questions and seek out trusted sources, so they can better understand the benefits of vaccination.


Being vaccinated means young people can spend less time being sick and more time doing what they love.

Watch Now – Let’s Chat: Young Adults as Vaccine Advocates

Gain insights from our on-demand panel discussion to learn how to identify vaccine misinformation and review key tactics to stay on TASK with vaccines.


Moderated by Dr. Jeb Teichman of Families Fighting Flu, and featuring young adult panelists Eric Stein of Families Fighting Flu, Noah Louis-Ferdinand of Voices For Vaccines, Arin Parsa of Teens For Vaccines and Unity’s own Madeline McNee.

AIAW24 Webinar – Now available on-demand!

Watch Staying On Task – New Trends in Vaccination for Adolescents hosted by Dr. Chelsea Clinton.


Discover ways we can combat vaccine misinformation online and increase adolescent immunization rates with Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Rachel Levine, MD, pediatrician and immunization expert, Todd Wolynn, MD, and Unity Mom Advisor, Jennifer Sanderson.

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Staying up to date on recommended vaccines helps protect adolescents and young adults from serious illnesses like meningitis, HPV-related cancers, flu, and COVID-19. Help adolescents and young adults stay healthy by scheduling appointments to learn more and get vaccinated. Get started by sharing our CDC-recommended vaccines for adolescents graphic.

Unity Vaccine Infographic_13 JAN_Landscape

Stay on TASK

Sorting through the vast amounts of vaccine information and navigating busy schedules can make staying up to date on recommended vaccines feel overwhelming. A simple way to overcome these challenges is to stay on TASK.

Access Partner Toolkit Now

Leading up to and throughout AIAW, we will provide a range of shareable resources you can use to help spread awareness for #AIAW24 and the importance of adolescent vaccination.

Sign up for our mailing list below to get access to our Partner Toolkit and follow us on social media to stay informed on the latest AIAW24 updates.

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